+44 - 74795 - 31371

About Us

Vickbenok Crisis Management Limited

We provide mandatory training to Health & Social Care agencies, hospitals, schools, and other private and national organisations.
How can we help your organization?

Empowering your staff to put policies and procedures into safe practice, and with confidence.

Meet our lead violence reduction consultant specialist.

Victor Ben-Okoh


Victor is a qualified clinician, with over 16 years experience in both NHS and private mental health settings. He has vast experience of working and training in low, medium and high secure environments. Victor also gained a BSc degree in professional practice in violence reduction and has since turned his knowledge and expertise to the education and security sectors.

Victor has a passion for teaching fellow professionals and expanding their knowledge and skills base in the prevention and reduction of violence and aggression, human factors in health & social care, and crisis prevention and management.

Victor regularly attends conferences and seminars relating to violence reduction. This is to ensure his knowledge is up to date and in keeping with current national Department of Health and Department of Educations guidance. When not training or teaching, Victor, enjoys studying and researching, he enjoys seeing friends visiting bars and restaurant. Above all, victor enjoys spending quality time with his children.

About Our Courses

Our instructors have many years experience working in clinical settings, teaching staff to identify the risk relating to violence and aggression and how to manage it when it occurs.

Our courses are tailored to the individual needs of your organization.


How Our Courses Are Designed

Our training consultant will design training scenarios relevant to your sector to make the course content relevant and accessible to those taking part. With this in mind, feedback from participants is welcomed throughout the training process, and our instructors are able to adapt the material being taught to the needs of those taking part.

At VCML we follow the Department of Health's guidance in 'least restrictive practice' and 'proactive interventions’, which the CQC are currently using as benchmark standards during their inspections. Our experts can provide support and advice regarding civil and criminal litigation, to avoid incidents being mismanaged. Our violence reduction training also ensures that your duty of care to both employees and service users is upheld under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.

Our training courses are devised in accordance with your specific requirements and include both theory and practical modules. These modules selected, also help to build and design a bespoke course to suit your organisation and the people it serves.


Refresher training courses, can be delivered in the workplace as a bespoke course if the workplace has a suitable area for the training to be conducted. This course can be modified to meet the requirements of learners that may have physical health related conditions and/or psychological trauma, which precludes them from effectively participating in the traditional course approach. This can be offered on a bespoke basis. This course can be adapted to meet the needs of learners with physical disabilities.

This course aims to be fully inclusive to all, however candidates need to be aware that it is a physical intervention course that requires “hands on” physical contact with other candidates and course tutors. Our certificates have a 100% success rate when submitted to all agencies, banks and trusts nationwide. This means that no matter where you submit your certificate, it will always be accepted.

All our trainers are fully qualified to deliver these courses to the Skills for Health standards and guidelines. Vickbenok Crisis Management Limited is fully aligned with Skills for Health. This course is recommended for all agency staff. Vickbenok Crisis Management Limited receives 8-10 score in terms of positive feedback from participants for all of our training courses.


Our Course meets the requirements of:

Skills for Health:

  • FMH5 Minimise the risks to an individual and staff during clinical interventions and violent and aggressive episodes
  • FMH3 Observe an individual who presents a significant imminent risk to themselves or others
  • CFAPMVW3 Protect yourself and others from the risk of violence at work

National Occupational Standards:

  • Dimension: PROHSS1 (C) Make sure your own actions reduce risks to health and safety
  • Dimension: HWB6 Assessment and treatment planning

KSF Framework:

  • Core Dimension Level 1 Health, Safety & Security - Assist in maintaining own and others' health, safety and security.
  • Dimension: HWB6 Assessment and treatment planning
  • Dimension: Core 3 Health, safety and security
  • Dimension: HWB7 Interventions and treatments
  • Dimension:HWB3 Protection of health and wellbeing

Care Certificate:

  • Maintain the privacy and dignity of the individual(s) in your care
  • Understand legal frameworks, policy and guidelines relating to mental health, conditions, dementia and learning disabilities.
  • Understand their own responsibilities, and the responsibilities of others, relating to health and safety in the work setting
  • Understand Risk Assessment
  • Work securely

We teach in accordance to the NICE Guidance No.25, RCN 2014 Guidance – Minimising Physical Interventions and Positive & Proactive Care Guidance 2014. As such we teach supine first and prone as the last result or patient led option.